
Mucolitic, expectorant and antitusigen
Mucosilin ®
Ambroxol is a mucolitic, expectorant, antitusigen metabolite of Bromhexine with a stronger power of action than the latter. It acts by reducing the mucus viscosity by producing the despolymerization of sialomucins. It can be administered alone or combined with bronchodilators and antibiotics such as Penicillin, Ampicilin and Gentamicine.
Time of semi-elimination is about 4 hours
Indications for Use
Its use is indicated for all the breathing processes which acts with productive cough, mucus hypersecretion and which involves both upper and lower respiratory vias.
Via of Administration
It is administrated by endovenous via at a rate of 0,3 mg/Kg of weight (6 ml each 100 kg) every 12 hours.
There are no contraindications due its wide safety margin.
Keep the product in a clean, dry place between 4º and 30º C and out of children's reach.
Veterinary use.
Ampoule containing 100 ml.
- Ambroxol HCI 500 mg
- Formula Agents c.s.p 100 ml

Breath Up®
Bronchodilator – Tocolytic
Breath Up ®
It is an adrenergic agonist ß2 selective and as such is a muscular relaxant of the smooth muscle with bronchodilatory and tocolytic function. The union of agonist ß2 to its receptor produces the activation of the Adenylyl Cyclase of inner side of the membrane which change the ATP into ampC, which acts as second messenger for the activation of specific kinase proteins. These kinases activate other enzymes which are in charge of producing relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle. They also inhibit the liberation of chemical mediators through proinflammatory cells and stimulate mucus secretion. Its therapeutic effect lasts for 6 to 8 hours, although its elimination is not fully complete until about 60 hours after it administration
Indications for Use
Appropriate choice for pneumonias, Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), respiratory failures together with dyspnoea, asthmatic crisis together with bronchospams and cough. It can also be used to produce relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus.
Via of Administration and Dosage
It is recommended to begin with low doses due to the toxic effects which can appear.
As a bronchodilator it is recommended by endovenous or intramuscular via at a rate of 0.8 mcg/kg of weight (2.5 ml /100 kg) every 12 hours till the symptoms disappear, although a treatment of 10 days duration for bronchial affections is recommended.
To produce relaxation of the uterine smooth muscle it is recommended a sole dose of 0.8 to 1.4 mcg/kg of weight (total 7-15 ml)
Its use is contraindicated for pregnant mares which are near the probable labor date.
At high doses toxicity can be observed which shows up in muscular tremors, perspiration and restlessness.
Keep the product in a clean, dry place between 4ª and 30º C and out of children's reach
Veterinary use.
Ampoule containing 100 ml.
- Clenbuterol HCI3 mg
- Excipients c.s.p. 100 ml

Liver protector, Hepatic regulator
Normohepat ®
It protects, detoxifies and stimulates the hepatic function. Sorbitol is an osmotic laxative which acts at the level of the large intestine where it favours water retention. Methionine works as giver of methyl and sulphur to form Choline and to eliminate certain toxics compounds from the organism. Besides, it is a glycogenic amino acid when entering into the Krebs cycle as Succinyl CoA.
Thiamine works as cocarboxylase coenzyme in the degradation of ceto-acids in the liver favouring the generating of Acetyl CoA from Piruvate which gets into the Krebs cycle so as to continue with oxidative via
Indications for Use
Its use is indicated for all those cases of digestive disturbances which go together with alteration in the serum values of bilirubin and GOT and in the consistency of stools, as a result of nutritional overload, medicinal intoxication due to the prolonged use of anti inflammatory and antibiotics, post parental or inhaled anesthesia and hepatic affections such as chronic hepatitis, hyperlipaemia and hyper-bilirubinaemia.
Via of Administration and Dosage
The recommended dose is of 5 to 10 ml/100 kg of weight every 24 hours by endovenous via. The dosage and duration of treatment will be under the exclusive criterion of the veterinary doctor according to the seriousness of the case.
Do not administer to dehydrated animals with colic pain, meterorism or flatulence, diarrhea or electrolytic imbalance.
Keep the product in a clean, dry place between 4º and 30º C and out of children's reach .
Veterinary use.
Ampoule containing 100 ml of sterile injectable solution
- Sorbitol22,0 g
- DL – Methionine1,8 g
- DL – Acetylmethonine5,2 g
- Thiamine HCI0,5 g
- Formula Agents c.s.p. 100 ml

Hemo Plus Forte E®
Haematinic Restorative, Multi-restorative Association with Additional Phosphorous
Hemo Plus Forte E ®
Haematinic restorative complex and general activator in injectable solution. Imperative hematopoietic, antianaemic activator and metabolic stimulant Catalytic enzymatic metallic cofactors, active and bioavailable
Indications for Use
Prevention and treatment of every type of haematopoiesis disorder, anaemia of alimentary, infectious or parasite origin, hemoparasite anaemia, post hemorrhagic anaemia. General restorative tonic for the metabolism, weakness and weight loss disorders because of food deficiencies, exhaustion produced by excessive work, lack of appetite, convalescence from parasite illness, infections and food poisoning. It improves the appearance of sport horses.
Via of Administration and Dosage
Adult equines: 10 to 12 ml
Colts: 5 to 10 ml
In mayor cases, the complete treatment consists of 5 doses every third day. In severe cases, apply daily until the criteria of the vet indicates stopping the treatment. In light disorders or for preparing animals for sport events, it can be applied twice a week, by slow endovenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous via.
There are none if the indicated doses are adhered to.
Keep the product in a clean, dry place, between 5ºC and 35ºC out of children’s reach.
Veterinary use.
Ampoule containing 100 ml
- Cobalt Gluconate 0,7 g
- Copper Gluconate 0,2 g
- Manganese Gluconate 0,2 g
- Vitamin B12 0,015 g
- Folic Acid 1,5 g
- Trihydrate Sodium Cacodylate 2,0 g
- Ammonium Ferric Citrate 2,0 g
- Sodium Glicerophosphate 1,0 g
- Exipients 100 ml
Other product lines
Official Certificate N°013-2016 emitted by SENASA
GMP - Good Manufacturing Practice for Veterinary Drugs
- (+54 11) 4855 9410
- Caldas 175, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, República Argentina