High quality in 
veterinary drugs
Constant investigation 
and development

About Us

Our Company is committed to constant research and the development of high quality veterinarian products.

As a result of this endeavour, we offer you EQUINE LINE, developed exclusively for high performance sport horses.

Each of our products covers the daily clinic requirements for the treatment of injuries, so shortening recovery time and promoting optimum performance.

Innovation is the key so that EQUINE LINE can bring together optimum characteristics, which thus guarantee our technical and differential profile so helping you to make the right pharmaceutical choice.

We invite you to learn more about our products.

Our Vision

Since March 2004 Viterra has entirely reformulated its policy with the intention of promoting Equine Line as the leader of veterinarian products for Equines in Argentina, Latin America, Europe, the Arabian Emirates and Morocco where these products are already exported.

One of the premises lies in starting up research projects which guarantee the quality of its products, in re-investing so as to guarantee the health of our horses and in trying to integrate all the Argentine Veterinarian University Faculties through collaboration and interaction with authorities, teachers and future professionals.